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Health insurance policies misinform consumers, tell them chronic conditions are treatable but 'not curable'

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Health insurance policies misinform consumers, tell them chronic conditions are treatable but 'not curable' Empty Health insurance policies misinform consumers, tell them chronic conditions are treatable but 'not curable'

Post by Harry Wed Nov 09, 2016 10:58 am

Health insurance policies misinform consumers, tell them chronic conditions are treatable but 'not curable'

Tuesday, November 08, 2016 by: S. D. Wells

Tags: health insurance, hypertension, curable diseases

Health insurance

(NaturalNews) The easiest way to die young and suffer chronic, horrible health conditions along the way, is to eat all the wrong foods daily, consume the chemical toxins prescribed by medical doctors your whole shortened life, and believe what you see and hear on television about medicine and what you read in the newspapers about health. Top it all off with regular flu shots, vaccinations, fluoridated tap water and over-the-counter symptom cover-up meds, and you will likely suffer from arthritis, heart disease, hypertension, cancer, and if you live long enough, dementia. The one thing everything just mentioned has in common is that it's all preventable, in spite of the brainwashing by the mass media and the medical doctors of America, who want nothing more than more sick customers for life. Keep reading.

One of the biggest tricks with toxic food and chemical medicine is to state a lie as if it were the truth, and then discuss details of the lie, as if that's all that is left to consider. Example: Health insurance policies openly state that illnesses like arthritis, heart disease and hypertension are incurable, and then have you consider which health insurance policy would best fit you and your family's financial needs. It's like telling you that you will certainly die of cancer, and since there's "no cure," you might as well start picking out which type of chemotherapy works best for you. Another lie would be to have you assume that inflammation is a disease, like hormone imbalance or obesity, so now it's time to choose which medicine "works best for you" and "ask your doctor" if it's right for you and your "symptoms."

Health insurance policies state that arthritis, heart disease and hypertension are treatable but 'not curable' illnesses
Health insurance in the USA is built around treatments invented by Big Pharma that prevent and cure nothing. Sure, if you break a limb or need emergency surgery insurance can come in handy, but if you eat processed and GMO food daily, and you take prescription medications daily, you can expect more chronic conditions to relentlessly attack your system, no matter what the doctor prescribes, no matter what the surgeon removes, and no matter what the health insurance does or doesn't cover. It's as simple as that. Now it's time to talk about some positive subjects, ones the medical industrial complex and health insurance policies don't want you to understand.

Arthritis is curable!
There is one exception to the television lies and deceit, and that is Doctor Oz. He has come out and exposed several hoaxes over the years, and even covered poisons in food that cause many diseases and disorders, including glyphosate, the carcinogenic herbicide in Roundup. Over six years ago, Dr. Oz presented a show called The 6-Week Arthritis Cure. This show not only revealed and recommended natural remedies for arthritis, but warned Americans about how more than 16,000 people die yearly from arthritis medications that actually accelerate the disease.

Relief begins with decreasing inflammation, which helps repair the joints and restore function. Joint cartilage can be repaired using a combination of glucosamine sulfate, MSM and organic multi-vitamins. Oz also mentions taking Boswellia, Willow bark and cherries to reverse inflammation. Look into fish oil, or better yet, hemp seed oil, to ramp up your Omega-3 intake and get the good fatty acids your body needs.

Of course, chronic inflammation is often caused by foods high in sodium (like MSG), hydrogenated oils, artificial sweeteners, alcohol, prescription medications and gluten (which contains loads of toxins itself, usually pesticides, bleach and chemical-based dough conditioners). Most tap water contains sodium fluoride and other people's medications, so you should also look into a great water filtration system like the Big Berkey. Don't forget to exercise for 20 minutes a day!

Heart disease is curable!
One hundred years ago in America, nary a human suffered from heart disease. It's preventable and curable with a plant-based diet, no matter what your MD tells you. Ready to cure yours or prevent it from ever becoming an issue? Save this article and use it as a shopping guide.

Remember this: Fried foods clog arteries and lead to strokes and Alzheimer's. Clogged veins and arteries cause heart attacks and aneurysms. Arterial plaque increases blood pressure. Potatoes and most bread (buns/pizza crust/pitas/tortillas, etc.) soak up the canola oil and turn to sugar in the stomach. Modified, processed and fried foods don't break down properly in the body, remaining in the kidneys, liver, intestines, prostate and colon for extended periods of time, if not forever. Gluten (mutant food glue) is used for pizza crust, fried seafood, pre-prepared Chinese food, corn dogs, crackers, pastries, cakes ... and the list is a mile long. Stop clogging your veins and arteries with junk science, and concentrate on organic, plant-based foods, and watch your heart "disease" disappear forever.

Hypertension is curable!
Blood pressure is determined by two things: the amount of blood your heart pumps, and the amount of resistance to blood flow that's inside your arteries. Animal fat intake sticks to artery walls and narrows your arteries. You can experience hypertension for years from this without any symptoms. According to the "DASH diet," people who eat meat only once a week have 23 percent lower rates of high blood pressure. Those who cut out all meat except fish have 38 percent lower rates, and vegetarians have less than half the rate of high blood pressure. Vegans (people who cut out all animal protein and fat) lower the risk of heart disease by a whopping 75 percent. Plant-based diets can cure borderline diabetes too.

Ignore all those health insurance fables. Stop falling for their tricks. It's time to lose excess weight, end inflammation, end arthritis, end heart disease and feed your machine clean fuel. Your heart and brain will reward you beyond your greatest expectations!

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Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/055927_health_insurance_hypertension_curable_diseases.html#ixzz4PWmQj7fc


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