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American Girls dolls now come with 'diabetic accessories,' as poor diets leading to obesity and metabolic disorders in children is accepted as normal

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American Girls dolls now come with 'diabetic accessories,' as poor diets leading to obesity and metabolic disorders in children is accepted as normal  Empty American Girls dolls now come with 'diabetic accessories,' as poor diets leading to obesity and metabolic disorders in children is accepted as normal

Post by Harry Wed Feb 03, 2016 11:07 am

December 30, 2015, By: S. Johnson

(NaturalNews) [Note: Natural News 100% supports preventing and treating diabetes, and we fully support those suffering with the disease. However, we are opposed to attempts by the consumer industry to normalize and profit from the disease rather than actually save children from it.

It's obvious from the "faux outrage" trolls posting comments on this story that the American people have been so utterly brainwashed by the pharmaceutical complex, they have no idea type 1 diabetes has a cause and isn't the result of "spontaneous disease" (medical voodoo as promoted by Big Pharma).

It is the position of Natural News that our collective efforts can be more effective at preventing the suffering of children from both type 1 and type 2 diabetes by focusing on the straightforward ways to prevent -- and in some cases reverse -- these health conditions. Providing an ill child with a doll creates the veneer of compassion without the far deeper and more noble compassionate effort of seeking to prevent these health conditions in the first place.

I'd rather live in a world where children have no diabetes at all rather than one where all the diabetic children are given dolls to make them feel better about diabetes. We should aim higher than providing TOYS when we really should be providing CURES.

Those who don't think type 1 diabetes can be in many cases controlled or entirely prevented are wildly ignorant of all the advances in holistic medicine and the extraordinary research revealing the chemical causes of autoimmune disorders. For those people, we pray that they may be enlightened before their own children are made victims by vaccines, GMOs and the pharmaceutical industrial complex.]

American Girl Dolls prides itself on providing dolls that mirror their young clientele. Within that milieu are young girls with diabetes. Instead of treating diabetes as an illness that can generally be avoided, American Girls has embraced it with open arms, by offering a diabetic care kit for dolls.

The $24 kit is available online, as well as at the company's 21 retail stores, and is equipped with everything from an insulin pump to a glucose meter. The kits were brought about by the efforts of 13-year-old Anja Busse, from Antigo, Wisconsin, who began a Change.org petition asking for the accessories, just three months after she was diagnosed with diabetes. The petition acquired 4,335 signatures, which gives a glimpse into how many young girls are suffering from this often preventable disease.(1)

"I am declaring victory!" she posted on Facebook after hearing about the news. "American Girl just released a diabetes care kit which includes an insulin pump, glucose meter, lancing device, insulin pen, glucose tablets, medical alert bracelet, insulin pump skin stickers, diabetes log book, and a bag."(1)

"It is one sale right now at American Girl stores for $24 and will be available for purchase online starting in January. Thank you so much to everyone that let American Girl know through the years that you wanted this and for those of you who signed the petition."(1)

Mismatch diseases
When Anja began her petition two years ago, she said her diagnosis had "turned her life upside-down," and that an American Girl doll with an insulin pump along with other accessories would help her and other girls with diabetes feel accepted.(1)

"American Girl has a long history of creating items that speak to diversity and inclusion, and the diabetes care kit is yet another way we are expanding in this important area," Stephanie Spanos, an American Girl spokeswoman, told the LA Times, as reported by the U.K.'s Daily Mail.(1)

But there is a distinction between embracing those with a preventable medical illness and embracing the illness itself. Although there is a genetic factor to type 2 diabetes, it is not an inherited disease. Like most diseases that plague America's youth, type 2 diabetes is a mismatch disease, meaning it is a product of culture rather than biology. In the West, most mismatch diseases are fueled by poor dietary choices. (2)

Our paleolithic ancestors, for instance, never suffered from diabetes. This is because sugar was not available in the vast quantities it is today. Most fruit in the wild is surprisingly bitter, and the sweetest of treats, honey, was a rare luxury. Consequently, our palates were tuned to jump upon sweets whenever available. The environment has changed but our physiology has not. Now, Americans have regular access to more sugar than their bodies were designed to digest, which has triggered a diabetes epidemic.

Society deems diabetes to be an acceptable rather than preventable disease
Apparently, however, diabetes is becoming so prevalent among American youth, that it should be regarded as acceptable rather than preventable. According to this line of reasoning, American Girl ought to churn out a stream of overweight dolls in order to make obese children feel comfortable about their "condition."

What makes this all the more sad is that by accepting diabetes as normal, children are left with the false impression that they are doomed to a life of painful pricks and blood samplings. In reality, type 2 diabetes can be prevented, curbed or even cured with the right foods.

American Girl has accessories for other dolls, including wheelchairs, hearing aids and dolls without hair. A set of doll arm crutches was released this year as well.(1)

Sources include:

(1) DailyMail.co.uk

(2) FoodNavigator-USA.com

Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/052816_childhood_diabetes_dolls_disease_prevention.html#ixzz3z7bIhFLs


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