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Meet Dr. David H. Gorski of Karmanos Cancer Center, a.k.a. 'ORAC,' the insane surgical oncologist who takes breaks from surgery to spread blog hate

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Meet Dr. David H. Gorski of Karmanos Cancer Center, a.k.a. 'ORAC,' the insane surgical oncologist who takes breaks from surgery to spread blog hate Empty Meet Dr. David H. Gorski of Karmanos Cancer Center, a.k.a. 'ORAC,' the insane surgical oncologist who takes breaks from surgery to spread blog hate

Post by Harry Wed Apr 27, 2016 2:49 pm

Meet Dr. David H. Gorski of Karmanos Cancer Center, a.k.a. 'ORAC,' the insane surgical oncologist who takes breaks from surgery to spread blog hate

Wednesday, April 27, 2016 by: S. D. Wells

Tags: Dr. David Gorski, hate blogging, online harrassment

Dr. David Gorski

(NaturalNews) What if you were receiving treatment at a major hospital or healthcare institution that you thought was reputable, and which used "state of the art" technology for cancer care, and you found out that your cancer surgeon was taking breaks from operating on people to run back to his computer for his FAVORITE activity: blogging to harass natural health enthusiasts and destroy conversations on comment boards where people question chemical-based medicine? What if you ALSO found out that several doctors at that same institution were implicated in a HUGE SCANDAL involving treating people who DID NOT even have cancer, with surgery, chemotherapy and radiation?

Then, finally, what if you learned that hundreds of innocent people had recently DIED because of these same doctors who had NO morals or ethics and just wanted to get rich and famous? What would you do?

Last question: Can a cancer doctor truly help anyone heal when they are filled with hatred themselves?

Suspected of massive fraud at Karmanos Cancer Center in Detroit
Unfortunately, there are some absolute LUNATICS in the cancer care business. The most evil-to-date would be Dr. Farid Fata, who not only worked at Karmanos and mistreated hundreds, if not thousands of patients, but is serving 45 years in federal prison for conspiracy, for defrauding Medicare of millions of dollars, and for murdering healthy people by overdosing them with lethal toxic chemotherapy treatments.

Now, several of Fata's colleagues (named co-conspirators), are under investigation for more of the same, all while the nefarious ORAC – as he describes himself – takes breaks during surgery to make typo corrections to his insane blog rants (which are usually anywhere from 5,000 to 10,000 words long), in which he tells any and all followers to go on health comment boards and say crazy stuff to scare people away from considering any natural medicines or holistic treatments, all so he can make a fortune performing wildly erratic and ultra-expensive surgical procedures possibly on people who don't even have cancer!

Do YOU live in Detroit, Michigan, home to the biggest medical scandal and horror of this generation? What if cancer care centers all across the USA are the same as Karmanos, Crittenton and St. Johns? Did you know that Sloan Kettering is run off money from Nazi collaborators?

David H. Gorski, a.k.a 'ORAC' – the insane oncologist who blogs during surgery
Through his pro-vaccination website Respectful Insolence, Gorski clearly advocates fraudulently impersonating disease-injured families, using fraudulent emails and fake IDs so these comments can't be tracked or traced, and making insane comments in the middle of other people's intelligent conversations to ruin the line of questioning, and sell people back to taking any and all chemical medications "prescribed" without ever questioning the allopathic status quo.

Here you will witness David H. Gorski's alter ego "ORAC" caught red-handed as he insidiously plots illegal, psychopathic, hurtful and hateful tricks online (transcript straight from Truthwiki entry):

April 20, 2012, 8:54 pm: Use emotional warfare on anti-vax blogs. Tell emotional stories full of tears and sobbing and unbearable grief and terror, about people in your own family or people you read about, who were sick with or died of terrible diseases. Don't hold back details about bodily fluids and suchlike: the more gross the better. This stuff has a way of infiltrating the minds of readers and subtly influencing their decisions, in a manner similar to advertising.

Go in there and "agree with them" and then say things that appear thoroughly delusional, overtly nuts, blatantly and obviously wrong even to nincompoops, etc. Occasional spelling and grammar errors are also useful but don't over-do. The point of this exercise is to create an impression that drives away undecideds who may come in to check out these sites. It helps to do this as a group effort and begin gradually, so the sites appear to be "going downhill slowly."

But it is useful to have an email address that can't be traced back, for certain legitimate and ethical uses, just as it is useful to have a mail box at say the UPS store.

Outright deceit and betrayal: Continued online HATE CRIME attacks on natural medicine advocates
The way to fight it is by sabotaging the anti-vaxers with crazy stuff that drives away undecideds. The way to fight it is with emotional narratives that undermine the ones that the anti-vaxers are pushing.

Chemical medicine buyers BEWARE OF ORAC, the psycho-blogger, with multiple identities and multiple personalities, who also operates on women's breasts for cancer, all while he manipulates drugs in his laboratory for selling more toxic treatments (a.k.a. European Protocol) – all so he can make MORE and MORE money, just like his colleague Dr. Farid Fata, who's serving 45 years in federal prison for doing the same thing at the SAME EXACT cancer industrial complex in Detroit.

For full coverage of ongoing exposure of the REAL David H. Gorski, a.k.a. ORAC, read the Health Ranger's article entitled: "Dr. David Gorski named in medical conspiracy allegations complaint filed with Karmanos Cancer Center and Michigan Attorney General," here.

Now hear this: Dr. David Gorski of Karmanos Cancer Center is NOT off the hook! INVESTIGATIONS RE-OPENED for several defendants from Dr. Farid Fata case: Freep.com

Gorski "shoots himself in the foot" – actually recruiting holistic health advocacy by being so bad at what he does...

"In effect, David Gorski is perhaps the most inadvertently effective recruiter for holistic health advocacy on the 'net. One look at his pathological mind and intense hatred for humanity gives a clear signal to most people: 'I don't want anything to do with THAT group!'" – The Health Ranger

Natural News coverage sums up the internet troll ORAC and chemo-huckster Dr. "Kevorkian" Gorski of the Karmanos Cancer Institute:

"Ironically, when the Berlin Wall of vaccine denialism finally does crumble and shatter, it's going to be people like David Gorski who we have to thank for accelerating the deranged demise of the "skeptics" who overstayed their welcome in society. Dr. Gorski has, in effect, already achieved a milestone in the history of medicine ... the same kind of milestone we now point to when citing the insanity of doctors who have gone mad like Dr. Henry Cotton or Dr. Farid Fata."

Sources for this article include:













Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/053812_Dr_David_Gorski_hate_blogging_online_harrassment.html#ixzz473QBYhu8


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