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Cancer doctor David Gorski (ORAC) is a 'ticking time bomb' for malpractice and medical negligence, warns health author

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Cancer doctor David Gorski (ORAC) is a 'ticking time bomb' for malpractice and medical negligence, warns health author Empty Cancer doctor David Gorski (ORAC) is a 'ticking time bomb' for malpractice and medical negligence, warns health author

Post by Harry Fri May 06, 2016 10:08 am

Cancer doctor David Gorski (ORAC) is a 'ticking time bomb' for malpractice and medical negligence, warns health author

Thursday, May 05, 2016 by: Samantha Debbie

Tags: Dr. David Gorski, ORAC, ticking time bomb

Dr. David Gorski

(NaturalNews) Karmanos breast cancer surgeon Dr. David Gorski is probably the last person you would want operating on you. This is a guy who disguises himself under various usernames to attack ideas and philosophies he vehemently opposes. Strangely, he devotes his time to "debunking quackery," instead of caring for his patients.

When we think of doctors, we think of them as professionals who work so many hours they rarely get to see their families, and when they're not slaving away at the hospital or their private practice, they are maintaining or advancing their credentials through continued medical education.

But this does not seem to be the case with Dr. Gorski. The surgeon has multiple social media accounts, including two Facebook pages, two Twitter accounts, and accounts on Foursquare and LinkedIn.

Gorski is very active on social media
One quick glance at his Twitter page and you'll notice this guy is more than just "active" online. A typical day for Gorski includes posting numerous tweets, at least four to five on each account, which involve either responding to the criticism directed at him, or offensively criticizing others.

Gorski has great disdain for natural medicine, and truthfully, anyone who thinks outside the paradigm of conventional medicine. He routinely attacks vaccine skeptics and individuals who choose to forego chemotherapy, as well as philosophies based on naturopathy, acupuncture, homeopathy and chiropractic.

Gorski constantly pushes false ideas, including that cancer rates are on the decline; there's no way to treat cancer except through conventional methods; vaccines are 100 percent safe and effective; chiropractic could cause strokes; and acupuncture is worthless.

His constant focus on blogging and social media raises concerns about the standard of care he provides his patients.

"One of the most dangerous things any medical system can do is put scalpels into the hands of people who are obsessed with pathological rage and unbridled arrogance," says Mike Adams, founder of Natural News and celebrated author of Food Forensics.

Unbridled arrogance
"The combination is a sure recipe for medical negligence lawsuits and malpractice claims against clinics and hospitals. Dr. David Gorski's pathological personality makes him a prime candidate for lawsuits stemming from medical negligence, I'd imagine.

"Just like Dr. Farid Fata who was arrested on multiple charges of felony cancer fraud, Dr. Gorski seems to me to be a ticking time bomb of malpractice, medical negligence and patient complaints," adds Adams.

"It is highly unfortunate that the state of Michigan has granted Dr. Gorski the authority to treat patients whom he probably disdains. Healing can never come from a physician who is mentally obsessed with extreme hatred and spite.

"Dr. Gorski strikes me as the kind of personality who would have probably felt right at home in the Third Reich, conducting illegal medical experiments on prisoners. But he certainly does not belong in a modern-day medical environment where patient care should be the top priority."

The hijacking of Wikipedia's health topics
Patient care is clearly not Gorski's top priority. When he isn't posting on social media, we have strong reason to believe that the surgeon is controlling and manipulating information regarding holistic medicine on Wikipedia, the largest free online encyclopedia.

Trusted sources recently told Natural News that Wikipedia's biased and defamatory entry on VAXXED was written by none other than Gorski, who absolutely loathes the anti-vaccination movement.

VAXXED unveils the corruption inside the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention that has purposely hidden the side-effects caused by the MMR vaccine, specifically the risk it poses to African-American children.

Wikipedia's entry on VAXXED preferentially gives the floor to the documentary's attackers, listing five nasty and discrediting reviews calling the film a "hoax," while accusing it of relying "on tons of random factoids positioned out of context to drive home his [Wakefield's] agenda."

In another VAXXED "review" featured by Wikipedia, Gorski and his team of skeptics accuse the documentary of putting "the viewer through a well-trod gauntlet of emotional pleas, context-free statistics ... and shadowy conspiracies."

Clearly, Wikipedia's entry was not written by "tens of thousands of regular editors," including "casual readers," as it so claims under its "Overview of editorial structure," which dishonestly insists it has "mechanisms" for weeding out "bad edits" and "problematic editors."

If it were truly written by ordinary citizens, we would be willing to bet that a few not-so-biased (and not-so-hateful) reviews would have made their way onto Wikipedia's VAXXED entry, especially considering the film sold out 10 shows before theater doors even opened in California.

As TruthWiki reports, Gorski is a "Vaccine industry front man, spokesperson and ultimate apologist for the blogosphere," who "leads the pack in his efforts to obscure the vaccine-autism connection, promoting mercury in vaccines and calling everybody a skeptic who doesn't bow down to chemical medicine."






Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/053900_Dr_David_Gorski_ORAC_ticking_time_bomb.html#ixzz47suKo7xg


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