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Post by Harry Sun May 22, 2016 10:48 am

Barack Hussein Obama Accelerates His ’Emasculation Jihad’ On The U.S. Military

Barack Obama has nominated an openly sodomite man to be Secretary of the Army.

Walid Shoebat — May 21, 2016

He chose a woman who had never flown a plane to head the Air Force in the Pacific and has nominated her to be the first woman to lead the U.S. Northern Combat Command. Now he has nominated an openly sodomite man to be Secretary of the Army. What’s next – a tranny to head the Navy?


Washington Times: In 2014, the White House picked the first female general to head the Air Force in the Pacific, which will make her the first non-pilot to command air power in such a large theater of operation.

The Pentagon announced that Air Force Lt. Gen. Lori J. Robinson (below) has been nominated for promotion to four-star general and as commander of Pacific Air Forces, the Air Force component of U.S. Pacific Command. It is a major combatant command whose air, ground, and naval forces have broad responsibility for security in the Asia-Pacific region.


Until now, only experienced Air Force pilots had held this position. Gen. Robinson is not a career pilot. Her military profession is air battle manager. She has served aboard the Air Force’s surveillance aircraft, the E-3 AWACs and E-8 JSTARS, and she was nominated for a promotion amid a drive for more diversity in the Pentagon.

A retired pilot said there is a reason the Air Force historically has put a pilot in charge of large combatant command Air Forces.

“It is because you make operational decisions that require the understanding of what you are going to ask pilots to execute in combat where the wrong decisions mean the difference between life and death,” the retired pilot said. “Now her vice commander and director of operations will be rated fighter pilots, but still she makes the decisions.”


Washington Times: But it gets even worse. Obama will name Air Force Gen. Lori Robinson head of U.S. Northern Command, making her the nation’s first female combatant commander, Defense Secretary Ashton Carter announced in March.

The position, which is subject to Senate approval, is one of the most senior in the U.S. military and would make Gen. Robinson — who now leads U.S. air forces in the Pacific — the top general overseeing activities in North America. “General Robinson, it just so happens, would be the first-ever female combatant commander,” Mr. Carter said.


Military1: The Marines are resisting having women in combat because they have proven to perform much worse than men in terms of weapons training, strength and endurance, which puts their male counterparts in danger.


An experiment conducted by the Marine Corps on the effectiveness of gender integrated units showed women were twice as likely to be injured, had more difficulty shooting weapons, and struggled to remove wounded troops from war zones.

Out of 134 tasks asked of troops in the experiment, all-male teams out-performed integrated squads on 99, with no difference calculated on the remaining 35.

Upper body strength was a noted deficit for female troops working within the group. “For example, when negotiating the wall obstacle, male Marines threw their packs to the top of the wall, whereas female Marines required regular assistance in getting their packs to the top,” the summary said.

The Ground Combat Element Integrated Task Force consisted of 300 male soldiers and 100 female soldiers who volunteered to be part of the assignment, which was carried out at both Camp Lejeune, N.C., and Twentynine Palms, Calif., and lasted nine months.

No Women Passed Marines Infantry Officer School by Experiment’s End

FOX NEWS: The last two female Marines hoping to make their way through the Marine Corps’ Infantry Officer Course as part of an experiment to integrate the program washed out on April 2, ending the research phase of the project.

*Female Marine officers who sought entry to IOC were not expected to meet the same physical fitness screening standards as male Marines, but they were required to match male performance in the course, Marine Corps spokeswoman Capt. Maureen Krebs told Military.com in November.
The 13-week school historically averages a 25-percent attrition rate.
During the first day’s grueling Combat Endurance Test, Marines wear combat gear, perform various physical tasks, and answer tactical questions while negotiating a land-navigation course, Krebs said.
The experiment began more than two years ago as part of a broader look at the possibility of opening ground combat specialties to women. Since then, 29 women volunteered for IOC at Quantico, Krebs said Friday.
Of the first group of 10 to volunteer for the course, nine failed to make it through the first day. The remaining female Marine dropped out a week later, after being injured on the course.

Last October, three of the seven female volunteers made it through the Combat Endurance Test. Two of those who passed were captains. However, none of the women completed the program.

Supporters of the decision to integrate combat units frequently point to the Israel Defense Forces as a model, but the IDF has, in fact, limited its gender integration. Units at the tip of the spear – those engaged in classic infantry combat – are all-male, and the IDF does not allow women to serve in tanks because it found that women were less physically capable and that it was “problematic” for men and women to serve in close and confined quarters for days at a time.


Defense News: The Senate on Tuesday confirmed Eric Fanning (photo below), the White House nominee to be the next secretary of the Army, making him the first openly sodomite man to hold an armed service’s top civilian position.


The landmark move was praised by the Human Rights Campaign, the nation’s largest lesbian, sodomite, bisexual, and transgender civil rights organization. His nomination comes five years after the repeal of “don’t ask, don’t tell” legislation barring open sodomite from serving.

“Eric Fanning’s historic confirmation today as Secretary of the U.S. Army is a demonstration of the continued progress towards fairness and equality in our nation’s armed forces,” HRC President Chad Griffin said in a statement. “Eric Fanning has spent his career serving this nation with tireless dedication, skill and ability, and as secretary he will bring that same commitment to the men and women of the U.S. Army.”

SODOMITE RAPE: DON’T ASK DON’T TELL. Sodomite men responsible for the majority of sexual assaults in the military.

Frontpage : “It appears that the DOD has serious problems with male-on-male sexual assaults that men are not reporting and the Pentagon doesn’t want to talk about.”

Consider what happened to former Marine Lance Corporal Jeremiah Arbogast…

Liberal activists speak endlessly about heterosexual rapes in the military, but they remain silent about the fact that the majority of sexual assaults in the military… are homosexual.

Instead of denouncing the culture of homosexual sexual abuse, they practice a “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy toward it while demanding that the military bring in more homosexuals to commit even more sexual assaults.


More military men than women are sexually abused in the ranks each year, a Pentagon survey shows, highlighting the underreporting of male-on-male assaults.

When the Defense Department released the results of its anonymous sexual abuse survey this month and concluded that 26,000 service members were victims in fiscal 2012, which ended Sept. 30, an automatic assumption was that most were women. But roughly 14,000 of the victims were male, according to a scientific survey sample produced by the Pentagon.

“It appears that the DOD has serious problems with male-on-male sexual assaults that men are not reporting and the Pentagon doesn’t want to talk about,” Elaine Donnelly, who heads the Center for Military Readiness, said. She noted that only 2 percent of assailants are women.

The problem will now only get worse as the sodomite agenda dominates the military. There was a reason that sodomite men were kept out of the military.


Considering the way Obama has treated the Navy SEALS, I’m sure an unqualified gender non-specific person will soon be named to head the Navy.

Article reposted with permission from Shoebat.com


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